It has been another interesting year for universities. Two years ago, the UK referendum had just taken place and last year we explained that there was still much uncertainty for the sector as we awaited plans for exiting the European Union. That uncertainty remains and, as we move towards the date of the UK’s departure, we are keen to reassure our current and future students that despite this confusion and many unanswered questions, we are still very much open for business.
Brexit, increasing global competition for the sector, the changing policy agenda with a government freeze on undergraduate tuition fees and increased competition in the domestic market, as well as pressure on costs, including the outcome of the Universities Superannuation Scheme reform proposals, all place the higher education sector in a position of uncertainty. More than ever before, we need the support of our alumni to help charter City, University of London through these choppy waters.
Despite this, there is a lot of good news about. Our students continue to be among the most satisfied in London and we continue to develop our estate which becomes more impressive each year. In 2020, The City Law School will be moving into new premises in Sebastian Street where our undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and professional service staff will all be sited. We anticipate this improving the satisfaction of our students even further with state-of-the-art facilities and a more interconnected School. Our School of Health Sciences continues to push the boundaries of improving the lives of the population’s wellbeing and Cass Business School continues to climb business school rankings. And in 2019, City celebrates its 125th anniversary of the founding of the Northampton Institute, the forerunner to today’s globally respected institution.
We do hope you will return to City and see us, or if you are further afield, keep in touch through our digital media and webpages, or even attend events that take place throughout the year.
Many alumni are currently playing a key role in supporting City. Approximately 250 mentor current students through our Professional Mentoring Programme which won a THELMA (Times Higher Education Leadership and Management Award) last year; the education sector’s equivalent of an Oscar. We now have Alumni Ambassadors in 47 countries supporting City and its Schools in organising events, aiding the recruitment of new students and helping to raise City’s profile. Other alumni are giving their time to attend careers-related events and helping to support our students as they progress to the world of work. Others (almost 1,000 this year) are supporting us financially by donating. This much-needed support directly benefits current students.
All this support, for which we are truly grateful, really does help to change lives and I hope that some of the stories in this edition will whet your appetite and encourage you to get involved too. We look forward to hearing from you.

David Street
Director, Development and
Alumni Relations
City is now in contact with 140,000 former students in 180 countries
alumni in Greece makes it City’s biggest alumni community outside of the UK
alumni ‘like’ City on Facebook
City’s academic staff hail from over 75 countries